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"Clear the Clutter"

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

Daily Crystal Reading: Selenite "Clear the Clutter"

Selenite is a high vibrational stone known for its healing and calming properties. Selenite is said to promote peace and calm, mental clarity, and well-being. It's also believed this crystal can remove negative energy and help you connect to higher realms.

Selenite Clearing:

"Clear the Clutter" on an emotional and energetic level today. Today is the Day you clear the clutter from your mind, release past issues that no longer serve you and clear out the unwanted and unneeded pain and suffering you have endured long enough and at your own mind's doing. Let any and all negative energy around past traumas and issues go...even if only for today. You are more than enough and deserve better than any negative emotion or feeling you have carried this long and this far in your life. Let It Go and Wave Your Magic Selenite Wand to Clear the Clutter in your mind, body and spirit today!

If you do not have any selenite... just imagine it in your hand as you wave your magic selenite wand around and over your body and around the space you are in...your intention is what matters when waving your magic (even imaginary) selenite wand will do the trick... believing it is just as powerful and effective!

Your mind is a powerful tool... Learn How to Use It!

If you are reading this, then this message is for you.

Today is the First Step of Enlightenment as you open up into your full knowing of who you are at a soul level. This is Day 1 because YOU ARE HERE and YOU HAVE COME and YOU ARE FREE to choose.

You are here to understand your soul better. You have come to find yourself within yourself and you are free to choose your own divine path that fulfills you, your soul and gives purpose and meaning to your life.

Today's Message from the Akashic Records:

We are all connected and You-niverse (You are one with the Universe) is divinely speaking to you in a deeper way, at a spiritual and soul level. You should listen to yourself at a heart and soul level and make decisions that you feel are right and aligned to Your Highest and Greatest Good in order for your soul to be at its happiest and healthiest. You have all the answers you seek within yourself. All you need to do is listen at a soul level!

Your purpose in this lifetime will reveal itself in time-when you learn to quiet your mind and listen deep within your soul. When you listen more intently you will begin to hear your soul's messages. You do this already-it's that intuition you may be reluctant to trust but is always faithfully speaking to you. Just listen with the intention to hear and know and believe in yourself.

Be mindful of the words you speak. Your words are your Truth, your love and light in this world. They are your All Knowing. Your words resonate into the Universe and You-niverse is listening. You will believe what you speak (whether it be aloud or in your mind) and you manifest as you speak Your Truth, Your Knowing and Your Believing. Release any thoughts and knowings which are no longer serving you to be transmuted by God, the Universe, Mother Earth, Gaia, your angels and guides, the Divine, or anyone and anything you trust is listening and able...If you Believe It To Be So...It Will Be So!

Don't forget to ground yourself!

(Grounding will be discussed shortly)

Just for Today: Ground by drinking plenty of water, bask in the sun, get dirt on your hands, put your feet in sand, walk barefoot on the ground, breathe in fresh air, take a salt bath (more on this later), be in nature and be aware that God, the Divine is within everything and everyone you experience today and everyday.

Know that you are loved-you embody and share love with others, you are one with God, the Divine, Universe, the higher source of life and ALL ENERGY which is immortal as it never ceases to exist.

Open your mind, heart and spirit to love and you will better show, do and be love.

Love is Love is Love is Love is Love is Love is Love is Love is Love... Love IS

Live in Love and Peace and Always know your Piece to the Soul's puzzle of life.

Love Today and Always,

With Loving Energy,


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